The big problem most college or university graduates will have to surmount is student loan. They may have heard that consolidating student loans makes the management easier with a chance to get better terms.1. The Better Circumstances To Consolidate Student Loans Typical students are not wealthy. The ones who have excellent credit scores can have the chance to get cheap loans from the bank. These loans are taken under a circumstance where a student has no income or any guarantee that he will get one in the near future. What then happens with the loans consolidation? There is a grace period. This is the time to consolidate student loans. It is the period after graduation, when the loans consolidation has to be made because thereafter it becomes more expensive. The fortunate thing is that at this point, many graduates have got a job and thus better credit scores. 2. What Does A better Credit Score Mean? Better credit score simply means cheaper loans. The interest accrued is the price the graduate has to pay to money loaned from the bank. Banks categorize borrowers into a different order according to the risk they attach to them. A borrower with a good track record and high credit score is a low risk customer to the bank, which means lower interest rate. 3. Is Getting A Longer Payment Time The Wiser Choice? The temptation to get both a lower interest rate and a longer payment time is great, because they decrease the monthly payments by several hundreds of dollars. But the general recommendation is that a graduate pays the loan back as soon as possible because the longer time he has to pay, the more interests he pays in the end. 4. Can Federal Student Loans be Consolidated With The Private Student Loans? No. What you can do is to consolidate loans all the federal together and do the same for all private loans. This rule is based on the fact that the federal loans have benefits coming from the tax payers and they are not allowed to be mixed with the private loans. 5. What Is The Maximum For The Loans Consolidation? If you want to consolidate federal student loans, you are allowed to include any Direct Loans and FFEL up to the remaining balance of these loans. After the loan has been consolidated, they will be paid away and you start to pay your new loan following the agreed schedule. The private loan consolidation follows the agreement between the borrower and the lender, so you need to hear the terms directly from the private lender. |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Consolidate Student Loans and Simplify Your Finances
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